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Monthly Archives: June 2009


The rain in NYC has finally been useful for something.  It looks like beautiful  jewels on the leaves of my Fire Escape Farm.



A few weeks ago, I purchased an Earth Box.  Adding pounds of heavy, wet, organic soil…and fertilizer…and dolomite…was fun, kind of.  Luckily I had a gorgeous helper.  🙂  We named her Eartha Kitt.



This is her blanket which prevents her from getting weeds.  Ingenious.



And here she is freshly planted.  From the back row, left to right:  basil, patio tomatoes, and cauliflower.  Front row:  jelly melon (no idea), marigolds for biological insect repellant, and strawberries.



Eartha Kitt’s best child is…the cauliflower.  It may take over Brooklyn.



Note the jelly melon ladder grip device.  He made that all by himself.



From scrawny…



To sensational.



One small step towards really beautiful and really delicious…real food.



This post is part of Fight Back Fridays hosted by Food Renegade.


Thank the Franks.  This is GREAT coffee and I’m not easily impressed.   I first sampled the brew at the Court Street Cafe Pedlar and learned about the beans from the well-informed staff.  They are fairly traded (some are direct trade which is even better), ethically and responsibly grown.  Not all are organic, but there’s lots of red tape and high price tags involved in the organic certification process and that’s out of reach to many of these small farmers.  And these small farms and micro batches are what yield these amazing cups.  Prices are a bit higher but I feel I’m supporting a great global cause.  🙂



Stumptown Coffee is being freshly brewed at the Brooklyn Flea which was held today as a sunny Sunday version under the Brooklyn Bridge.  These boys know what they’re doing.



Freshly ground coffee and HOT water – what else does one want in life.  Except for some really good milk, preferably raw, but that’s a future post.  😉



Lots of lovely things to look at and take home from the Brooklyn Flea -art and jewelry, collectibles and clothing.  But strolling around with my good friend and a cup of Stumptown…I had everything I needed.